Questions about upcoming Community Outreach Programs: Email Detective Tai Webster or call 704-821-0324
Community Volunteer Program:

This program is a unique opportunity for community members to actively contribute to public safety and community engagement efforts. This program invites individuals to partner with law enforcement to make Stallings a safer, more connected community. Please let us know what area of service you are interested in and how many hours you are looking to volunteer each month by filling out this form: Volunteer Program Sign-Up Form After the form is submitted, we will reach contact you via email or by phone.
Community Video Partner Program:
The Stallings Police Department is proud to announce a new community and public safety initiative called the Community Video Partnership Program. This program is designed to help the Stallings Police Department partner with residents and business owners who have video cameras or video surveillance systems in their homes or place of business to deter, reduce and solve criminal activity, which impact the residents and visitors of Stallings.
The concept is relatively simple. If you, as a resident or business owner, have video cameras at your house or business, and those cameras are outside, or capture footage of the outside areas of your home or business, then we need your help. The Stallings Police Department is seeking to create a registry of the various homes and businesses that have outdoor cameras, or cameras that capture footage outside the home or business. Then, if a crime ever occurs in your area or location, we can reach out to you and see if your camera(s) happened to capture any video footage that could help us identify the suspects or solve the criminal case we are investigating. It’s really that simple.
For safety and security, your contact information will be kept confidential and stored at the police department. You will only be contacted by a police officer or detective if there is a reported crime in your area, and we believe that your camera(s) may have captured footage of the incident. In the event that we do use footage from your camera to help solve a case, your information will still remain confidential and will not be released to the public or anyone else without your express consent.
By participating in this program, the police department will never have direct access to your camera system recordings and can only view your recordings with cooperation from you. All recordings from your camera system remain private to you and only you can provide a copy of the recording to the officer or detective for their investigation. Again, we are partnering with the community to deter, reduce and solve criminal activity which impact our residents and visitors.
If you are interested in helping us fight crime, registering for this program, or would like additional information related to the program, please contact Sergeant Caleb Payne. If you would like to participate in this partnership, please use the following link to register your camera(s) today.

Fingerprint Services
Fingerprinting is available by appointment only during normal business hours (Monday - Thursday, 9am to 9pm & Friday 9am to 5pm). Please call 704-821-0300 option '0' to make your appointment. $15.00 per card, credit card payments only.
Community Watch Program:
The Stallings Police Department works with local neighborhoods to help start and maintain local community watch programs. If your neighborhood is interested in a Stallings community watch program, please contact Sergeant Caleb Payne for more information.
Year-Round Medicine Drop Locations:
Stallings Police Department
315 Stallings Road
Stallings, NC 28104
Access to this medicine drop box is during normal business hours (Monday - Thursday, 9am to 9pm & Friday 9am to 5pm). The medicine drop box is located in the rear lobby of the Town of Stallings Town Hall/Police Department.
Union County Sheriff's Office
3344 Presson Road
Monroe, NC 28112
Access to this medicine drop box is 24 hours. The medicine drop box is located in the front lobby of the Union County Sheriff's Office.
Union County Sheriff's Office - Satellite facility
Indian Trail, NC
109 Navajo Trail
Indian Trail, NC 28079
Access to this medicine drop box will be during office hours:
Monday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tuesday 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Union County Sheriff's Office - Satellite facility
Wesley Chapel Volunteer Fire Department
315 Waxhaw Indian Trail Road South
Wesley Chapel, NC 28173
Access to this medicine drop box will be during office hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:45 a.m. -3:45 p.m.
Note: Discarded medication should be in some type of container. Citizens may leave the medication in the pill bottles or place them in reusable, re-sealable zipper storage bags.