Stallings Development Ordinance - Complete Document
Last Amended - November 25, 2024
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Frequently Asked Questions:
- What will be the process for a project that is a use by right? A Use with Special conditions?
It is an administrative process where preliminary plans are reviewed and approved by Planning and Engineering. This would be negotiated with staff and council.
- I need to understand the differences in cell tower categories.
These were established and legislated by the State. The DO follows state rules. We cannot regulate location, only aesthetics for cell towers.
- Who on our staff meets the requirements for the Development Administrator? Does the town manager also have those credentials?
The Planning Director meets these requirements. There are checks and balances built into the document that do not allow the Administrator to make decisions outside of the realm of the document as adopted by Council. Anyone that disagrees with the Planning Director's interpretation or decision can appeal to the Board of Adjustments.
- Where can I find previous versions of the Development Ordinance?
Copies of the previous Development Ordinances can be provided upon request.