Development Cases

Click HERE to view the status of our active development cases*.

Definitions of terms used are provided below:

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. A decision-making board appointed by the Town Council, which is given certain powers under state law.

CONDITIONAL ZONING. A legislative zoning map amendment with site-specific conditions incorporated into the zoning map amendment.

DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. An agreement between the Town of Stallings and a developer pursuant to NCGS §160D-1001 for a large-scale development with a lengthy build-out period and having a public-private partnership component involving mutual financial interests.

GENERAL REZONING. A legislative zoning map amendment from one zoning to another; also referred to as a conventional rezoning. 

SITE PLAN. A scaled drawing and supporting text showing the relationship between lot lines and the existing or proposed uses, buildings, or structures on the lot. 

TEXT AMENDMENT. A proposed change or revision to the rules and regulations set forth in the Stallings Development Ordinance without changing the zoning map. 

VARIANCE. Permission from the Board of Adjustment pursuant to a quasi-judicial decision allowing an applicant to vary any of the provisions of this ordinance upon a showing of hardship as defined by state law. However, no change in permitted use may be authorized by a variance

UNION COUNTY. Union County has zoning authority for the unincorporated areas of the County and Hemby Bridge. Please view their requests here

*We strive to keep this information current, but for the most up-to-date details, please contact the Planning Department. All cases will remain on this page for one year from the date of approval, denail, or withdrawl. Last Updated 3/20/2025.