Zoning and Development Cases

Disclaimer: (Please note any cases over one year old on this page are removed.) For information regarding cases over one year old, please reach out to Planning Director Max Hsiang.

Current Zoning and Development Cases
Idlewild Multi-Use Development
15409, 15501, 15509 Idlewild Road and 5901, 5825, 5741, 5733 Stevens Mill Road.
Tax Parcels – 07075025, 07075016A, 07075016I, 07057009A, 07057009E, 07057009G, and 07057009H
Idlewild Multi-Use Development:
•       Total Site Area: 12.52ac
•       6 Commercial buildings
Currently developing TIA.
Resolved Zoning and Development Cases
Application Location and Description Zoning Status Documents
Current Requested
RZ23.06.01 To rezone 14721 Lawyers Road from Union County Zoning, Residential 20 (R-20) to Stallings Zoning, Mixed Use 2 (MU-2). Union County R-20 MU-2 Denied by Town Council on August 14, 2023. Rezoning Location

To add text to Article 10.1-21, stating that automobile repair shops, body shops, and garages are not allowed as a home occupation.

N/A N/A Approved by Town Council on July 10, 2023.  
TX23.05.01 To allow for the use of Emergency Disaster Restoration Services with Fenced Outdoor Storage in the MU-2, C-74, BC, and IND zoning districts. N/A N/A
Planning Board recommended approval on May 16th. 
Approved by Town Council on June 26th. 
TX23.04.02 To allow General Contractor’s Office with fenced outdoor storage into the US-74 Commercial (C-74) zoning district with Outdoor Storage supplemental regulations (S10.1-36). N/A N/A
Planning Board recommended approval on April 18th. 
Approved by Town Council on May 22nd. 
TX23.04.01 To allow the use of biltong, jerky, and similar meat production, and distribution into the Industrial (IND) zoning district.
Planning Board recommended approval on April 18th. 
Approved by Town Council on May 22nd. 
TX23.03.01 To amend Article 9.8-3 (B) (1.) (e.) to allow for trailers and portable offices for the housing of on-site staff management if the trailers are at least 50’ from the property lines and the lot is at least 5 acres or greater in size. N/A N/A
Approved by Town Council on April 24th. 
Planning Board recommended approval on March 21st with two conditions.   
1. A type D 5-foot landscape buffer is implemented on the perimeter of the site.
2. Ensure the trailers are in harmony with the surrounding area. 
TX23.02.01 To amend Article 2.10-2 Accessory Structures located in Setback to implement limitations on the size and quantity of accessory structures in the Town of Stallings.
The item was withdrawn on April 24th. 
Planning Board recommended approval on March 21st. 
TX23.03.02 To require conditional zoning (CZ) for Single-Family residential uses in the Mixed-Use 1 & 2 Zoning Districts.
Approved by Town Council on April 11th.
Planning Board recommended approval.
TX23.01.02 This text amendment will allow breweries with or without beverage sales into the Industrial (IND), Business Center (BC) and Town Center (TC) zoning districts. N/A N/A
Approved by Town Council on February 27th.
Planning Board recommended approval.
TX23.01.01 This amendment to Article 11.6-1 Buffering and Screening of Different Districts will allow the Development Administrator the authority to require a buffer for new development adjacent to existing residential.  N/A N/A
Approved by Town Council on February 27th.
Planning Board recommended approval.
RZ22.09.02 Dr. Sergey Denisovich has submitted a general rezoning request for Single-Family Residential 1 (SFR-1) to Mixed-Use 2 (MU-2) at the location of parcel ID #07054003F, a property of 7.98 acres on Stevens Mill Rd near the Stevens Mill Crossing shopping center. SFR-1 MU-2
Approved by Town Council on Janurary 9th.
Planning Board recommended approval.
 Rezoning   Location
RZ22.09.01 SMB of Greenville II LLC submitted a general rezoning request from Mixed-Use 2 (MU-2) to Business Center (BC) for seven parcels they own on Bleinheim Lane.  MU-2 BC
Approved by Town Council decision on 10-28-2022.
Planning Board recommended approval. 
Rezoning     Location
East Coast Granite
East Coast Granite of Charlotte has submitted a conditional zoning request CZ22.08.01 for parcels #07105006A and #07105006E at 13606 East Independence Blvd to allow granite manufacturing and cabinetry production/painting. CZ & C-74 CZ
Approved by Town Council 
Planning Board recommended approval.
  Site Plan
RZ22.05.01 Epcon Communities proposes to rezone 53.59 acres, parcels, 07033004, 07033005, and 07033003 from Union County Zoning Residential R-20 to Stallings Zoning Multi-Family Transitional (MFT) and rezone 07033008B-01 from Single-Family Residential 1 (SFR-1) to MFT.
Union County Zoning Residential       R-20 
Single-Family Residential 1 (SFR-1) 
Stallings Zoning Multi-Family Transitional (MFT)
Approved by Town Council 
Planning Board recommended approval.
 Rezoning   Location
TX22.08.01 Epcon Communities proposes to amend the Stallings Development Ordinance to replace Article 9, Section 9.2-2(A)(7). N/A N/A
Approved by Town Council 
Planning Board recommended approval.
TX22.07.02 Development Agreement Amendments to Articles 7.15-1 (B), 8.4-6(B), and 8.5-1(B) to make the process better suited for the Town of Stallings and the developer.  N/A N/A
Approved by Town Council 
Planning Board recommended approval.
TX22.07.01 Conditional Zoning Amendments for Articles 5.4-3, 5.4-4, 8.2 and 8.3 N/A N/A
Approved by Town Council 
Planning Board recommended approval.
RZ22.07.01 2125 Stallings, Rd, PID: 7099002 MU-2 SFR-1
Approved by Town Council 
Planning Board recommended approval.
 Rezoning   Location