Roadway Resurfacing & Maintenance Program
The Town of Stallings utilizes a data-driven approach to maintain and improve our roadways. Our resurfacing and maintenance program is guided by the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) methodology, a standardized system that assesses roadway conditions every five years. This data is input into specialized software, which provides recommendations for the timing and type of roadway remediation needed.
Each year, the Town uses this software to generate a preliminary list of roads eligible for resurfacing and preventative maintenance, aligning with available budget allocations. However, Town staff conduct a secondary analysis to refine the list and determine the most effective scope of work. Several factors influence final road selection, including:
- Repair Feasibility – If a major roadway distress can be resolved through targeted patching rather than full resurfacing, staff may opt for a localized repair.
- Traffic Volume Prioritization – Major thoroughfares are prioritized over cul-de-sacs and lower-volume streets to ensure optimal traffic flow and safety.
- Proximity Considerations – Grouping projects in close geographic proximity helps reduce mobilization costs, maximizing the efficiency of maintenance efforts.
- Subdivision Continuity – The Town strives to maintain subdivisions with similar PCI values, allowing for a cohesive preventative maintenance program that extends roadway life.
Preventative Maintenance
To extend the lifespan of our roadways and maximize taxpayer investment, the Town has implemented a preventative maintenance program. Two key techniques used in this program are asphalt microsurfacing and crack sealing:
- Microsurfacing: This is a cost-effective surface treatment applied to roads with PCI values around 65. It consists of a polymer-modified asphalt mixture that creates a protective layer over the existing pavement. This process extends the roadway’s life by approximately five years and costs about eight times less than full resurfacing.
- Crack Sealing: This process involves filling cracks in the pavement with a flexible sealant to prevent water infiltration, which can lead to potholes and further deterioration. Crack sealing is a proactive measure to reduce long-term repair costs and maintain road quality.
By utilizing both resurfacing and preventative maintenance strategies, the Town of Stallings ensures that our roadway network remains safe, efficient, and cost-effective for residents and visitors.
Town of Stallings Pavement Management Policy: click here
2024-2025 Roadway Maintenance & Resurfacing Plan
Town of Stallings FY24-25 Pavement Preservation Plan: click here
FY24-25 Pavement Preservation Lowest's Responsible Bid: click here
The Powell Bill is codified in N.C.G.S. 136-41.1 through N.C.G.S. 136-41.4 N.C.G.S. 136-41.3 provides, in part: “the funds allocated to cities and towns under the provisions of G.S. 136-41.2 shall be expended by said cities and towns primarily for resurfacing of streets within the corporate limits of the municipality but may be used for the purposes of maintaining, repairing, constructing, reconstructing or widening of any street or public thoroughfare including bridges, drainage, curb and gutter, and other necessary appurtenances within the corporate limits of the municipality or for meeting the municipality's proportionate share of assessments levied for such purposes, or for the planning, construction and maintenance of bikeways, greenways or sidewalks.”
There are three types of streets in the Town of Stallings - those maintained by the Town of Stallings, those maintained by NCDOT and private streets. Please see the Powell Bill Map (Current as of July 2024) to determine whether a street is private, Town-maintained or NCDOT-maintained.
Town of Stallings 2024 Powell Bill Map: click here
Traffic Calming Policy
Traffic Calming is the combination of physical measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior and improve conditions for both motorized and non-motorized street users.
Traffic calming objectives include:
- Achieving speeds for motor vehicles that are reasonable for a neighborhood setting
- Increasing the safety and the perception of safety for non-motorized users of the street(s)
- Reducing collision frequency and severity
- Reducing the need for police enforcement
Town of Stallings Traffic Calming Policy - Link
Traffic Calming Evaluation Form: Link