Town of Stallings Street Sweeping Announcement (3/14/2025)
Attention Residents:
Our upcoming street sweeping schedule is here! To keep our streets clean and well-maintained, please be aware of the following street sweeping times:
🗓️ Street Sweeping Dates:
- March 24th to March 28th
- March 29th, if needed, weather permitting
🚗 What You Need to Know:
- Move Your Vehicle: Please remove all vehicles from the street on the scheduled dates to allow for sweeping.
- Avoid Parking During Sweeping: Vehicles left parked during sweeping hours may be ticketed or towed.
- Keep Streets Clear of Obstacles: Help us keep the streets clear of debris to ensure thorough cleaning.
📍 Affected Areas:
Why Street Sweeping?
Street sweeping helps remove dirt, debris, and pollutants from our streets, contributing to cleaner and safer roads for everyone. Your cooperation is essential in keeping Town of Stallings beautiful!
If you have any questions or need more details, feel free to contact the Engineering Department at 704-821-0321 or
Thank you for your help in keeping our town clean!
Notice to Residents Regarding Gigapower Fiber Installation
Post Date: 05/15/2024
Gigapower Fiber Installation Notice for Town of Stallings Residents
Gigapower will be placings door hangers at every home, small signs (8.5 x 10) placed every 5 homes, and large signs (20x24) every 10 homes throughout the subdivisions when they perform the locates and white line mark. The signs show AT&T, the sister company for Gigapower, and Gigapower’s construction Contractor, MasTec Communications Group, will be performing the installation.
Additionally, MasTec Communications will be responsible for restoring any disturbed areas back to existing conditions. Any questions and/or concerns regarding/resulting from construction should be directed to MasTec at 1-855-608-7525. The property owner(s) will be asked to leave a voicemail with their name, address, and phone number, and then the voicemail will be directed to the MasTec’s Charlotte office. A representative from MasTec’s Charlotte office will then reach out to each property owner accordingly to address any construction concerns.
Notice to Residents Regarding Ripple Fiber
Post Date: 10/24/2023
Ripple Fiber Notice for Town of Stallings Residents
Stallings residents, we have an important update regarding the ongoing fiber installation in some of your neighborhoods by Ripple Fiber, a third-party provider. We understand that this installation process has been inconvenient for some residents. To provide our community with the best possible service, Ripple Fiber has enhanced its intake ticketing system.
Please send inquiries to Ripple Fiber directly via their website:, click on contact, then click the construction issues button.
We have received several requests for more information regarding this process. We hope the FAQ below provides some additional clarity.
Fiber Install Process & Property Easement FAQs
Do I have to use Ripple Fiber/Gigapower as my service provider?
No. Everyone has the right to the internet and to choose their own provider. Residents do not have to do business with any one specific internet provider.
Why did the town allow them to install fiber in our community?
The Town of Stallings cannot deny a provider looking to do business in our community.
On February 28, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit ruled that Section 621 of the federal Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 541, allows franchised cable operators to use existing electric utility easements without obtaining a separate easement from the owner of the underlying land.
Section 621(a)(2) of the Act provides that a cable franchise authorizes the construction of a cable system, including "through easements which have been dedicated for compatible uses."
What is the approval process for a cable franchise?
The cable/fiber provider contacts the town. The town instructs them to complete encroachment agreements and submit them to the town with site plans for each area. They are then required to acquire peddler permits through the town. Once the town has received these items and the applicable fees, construction may begin.
Why is Ripple Fiber/Gigapower working in my yard?
Ripple Fiber is conducting its work in the public right-of-way easement. An easement is a legal ability to use someone else's land for a particular purpose. There are several types of easements.
Right-of-Way Easement
Right-of-way is an easement that allows someone to travel across another person's land to get somewhere else. It can be offered to one person, several people, or the public. This type of easement is attached to the property. An example of a right-of-way easement is the strip of land often found in front of a home on the other side of the sidewalk.
Utility Easements
Utility easements are the most common type of easement property owners have to deal with. These give utility companies the right to use a particular portion of the property.
On February 28, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit ruled that Section 621 of the federal Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 541, allows franchised cable operators to use existing electric utility easements without obtaining a separate easement from the owner of the underlying land.
Section 621(a)(2) of the Act provides that a cable franchise authorizes the construction of a cable system, including "through easements which have been dedicated for compatible uses."
If you have additional questions about this process, please contact the Town of Stallings: